There are many similarities between Othello and Andrew Parsons. Both of them were men who were madly in love with their wives, and both were overcome with jealous rage when they suspected their wives were cheating on them. Also, the two men killed their wives in similar fashions, with Othello chocking her do death and Andrew stabbing his wife. The similarity is both wives pleaded for their lives and both men only killed their wives out of love.




The newsroom opening speech was one of the best speeches I have ever heard. The speech was delivered by Will Macavoy, (portrayed by Jeff Daniels), and the way it was delivered was flawless. Due to the speech being on a TV show, it was likely perfected and edited, but then again, what good speech is not. I found the message Will was trying to get across was very passionate and informative. The speech talked about how America was no longer the greatest country in the world, but it sure as heck could be. He stated that if Americans were informed they could become great again. It was this passion and desire for the subject that made this speech a great speech

Coyotes have new owner, seem set for brighter future. Goes into some Financial details, such as the 5 year out clause. 

The Article was very useful. Gave me several important details, such as player reactions, attitudes of the new owners, etc. Showed me the 5 year out clause, which I can base my question around. Gave good insights into the owners thoughts, where the team would be in the future, how well the owners think they can do. A good read and an article I will be citing

Showed how owner wanted the coyotes to be run.

This article was also very useful. It gave a background on the new owner, how he rescued Chrysler from bankruptcy and how planned and doing the same with the coyotes. Talked about the adds he ran with Chrysler, saying he wanted to run the same kinds of adds. Talked about his life as a young boy and his two passions, hockey and finance. 
                The argument I think is the most ridiculous is the All or nothing Fallacy. I think that while it is important to catch terrorism, tapping into everyone’s phones and reading everyone’s emails is as much a waste of time as it is an invasion of privacy. I think that in order to save time, taxpayer money, and privacy of citizens the Government should have probable cause before they tap phones and emails.

                Stephen Fry, an English writer, recently wrote a letter to the prime minister of England and the IOC (international Olympic comity) demanding that England boycott the 2014 Winter Olympics.  His Letter states that the Russians have instituted many demeaning anti-gay laws. Fry says that the Russian government constantly turns a blind eye towards the mistreatment of gays, with beatings, murders, and even extremes such as rape happening to these Homosexuals. Fry also compares Putin’s treatment of gays in Russia to Hitler’s treatment of Jews in berlin in 1936 saying that the two events are eerily similar.

                Personally, I think that Fry is overreacting. While I am Under the Belief that Russia is wrong in creating there anti-gay laws, I do not think that one country, even one as notorious as England, boycotting the Olympics will make a big enough difference. England also is known for being bad at the winter Olympics, having only won 22 medals in 21 Olympics, meaning some viewers might not even notice England is not there. I also believe that comparing the holocaust to the Russian treatment of LGBT is far too extreme. The holocaust killed 7 million Jewish people, and while the Russians might have killed a couple hundred gays. Yes, none of those deaths should have happened, but one cannot just say it is the Holocaust 2.0, as Fry is saying. In Conclusion, I think the LGBT Russian issue should be resolved as quick as possible, but there are other, more efficient ways to do this as opposed to boycotting the Olympics.